Pattern for Crochet Wash Cloth

I love these wash clothes because they work up fast and last for years. They make great quick gifts and are wonderful to have around the house. I definitely prefer these over store bought because of how well they hold up and how soft they are. 

Sugar 'n Cream Yarn (I can make about 3-4 wash clothes per skein so just a little bit)
K/6.5MM crochet hook
Tapestry needle

Chain 3, in last chain HDC 8, slip stitch
Chain 2, (DC in first, 2 DC chain 1 2 DC in next) repeat to end, slip stitch
Chain 2, HDC one in each, in corners 2 HDC 1 chain 2 HDC, slip stitch
Chain 3, skip first stitch triple crochet in next; repeat around. In corners 2 triple crochet chain 1 2 triple crochet (do not chain between the two triple crochet on either side of the corner) repeat to end, slip stitch
Chain 2, (DC in first, 2 DC chain 1 2 DC in next) repeat to end, slip stitch
Chain 2, HDC one in each, in corners 2 HDC 1 chain 2 HDC, slip stitch

Clean up ends with needle and scissors


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